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Customer's Choice

Eliminate Payment Acceptance Expense

Reduce your overall payment acceptance cost by offering a Buyer's Choice or passing the fee on to the cardholder. Evolv's compliant cost-eliminating payment solutions are saving businesses like yours thousands of dollars each year.

How Does It Work?

Traditional Processing

Credit/Debit Card

Payment Terminal

Charges on average

2 - 4% processing fee


Pays no fee,

Gets reward points


Merchant gets 70-90%

of the net profit

Credit Card Terminal Traditional-Vs-Buyers-Choice.webp

Buyer's Choice

Credit/Debit Card

Payment Terminal

Automatically calculates a

cash price and a card price

with payment fees built in


is offered choice to pay

with cash or card


Merchant receives nearly

100% of sale amount

Fully Compliant

Customer's Choice is fully compliant with the card brands.

Compatible In-Store and Online

Customer's Choice can be offered in-person or through invoicing and accepting virtual and/or recurring payments.

Print or Send Digital Receipts

You can either print or text a digital copy of the receipt.

Eliminate Processing Fees with Customer's Choice

Merchants no longer need to burden the high cost of accepting payments.


Contact Coastal Payment Systems to learn more about eliminating payment fees.

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