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COVID-19 Will Pass, Then What

Unless you have been asleep for two weeks, COVID-19 or the Coranavirus has been either on your mind or has you anxious. Or not. Information has been ambiguous to say the least. But what we do know is that we have been advised to isolate. Local events, major events and even sports leagues have been cancelled, postponed or in flux. Which means, to large and small businesses, a major economic slow down. If people, customers, are not coming to your store, eating at your restaurant or having a drink at your bar and their car is not in your shop, you are not getting paid. Low to no cash flow.

No one knows, at this point, how long this will last. We are told if we isolate, preventing the spread of the virus, the duration could be relatively short. On the other hand, if more people make contact and cause more spread, we could be set for a long haul. In either case, if you own a business, you are going to lose income and cash flow. But then, when the all clear is sounded, people will want to reset and get their lives going again. Customers will be walking in your door for business. The problem may be that since there has been no business, your reserves may be low. You need cash. Could now be the time to have cash readily available to restart your business?

On the other hand, you may have been wanting to make an upgrade to your business. Install new equipment. Repairs, add on, new floors. Fresh paint, signs, maybe it's time for a fresh look. It could be a perfect time to take advantage of no customers coming in and out of your location. Surprise your customers when they come back and find new customers with your fresh look.

Then again, if your income slows down due to these crazy times, you might just need cash to tide you over until the machine starts running again. Get the money you need to help you make it until the cash starts flowing again.

What ever your financial need is, we are here to help. Our pre-qualification applications are short, online, and simple. Our responses and approvals are fast and you will have your funds fast without all the hassle of a typical bank loan. Get started now, it only takes a couple of minutes and a loan specialist will help you get the loan amount you want!

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